Stepping Up To The Plate

For decades, we’ve been playing baseball and softball the best way we knew how. We loved the sport, but we knew that something was missing when it came to the hours of training that led up to the moment players all over the world stepped into the batter’s box and up to the plate. After all, great swing mechanics are essential to great hitting. And we knew that if we started with the most fundamental aspect of baseball and softball – the swing – we’d discover something great.

And that’s exactly what happened. When we created Batter-Ox, we knew we had developed something the world needed. Our original website site was a great fit for awhile, but as Batter-Ox has grown and become a staple in batting practice across the country, we knew it was time for a fresh start and a new place to play.

Take a look around, and learn more about our hitting systemQuestions? No problem. We’re here to help, whether you’re just starting out or are ready to take your own team’s training to new heights.

Swing TrainingDistill